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SMS Safety Management Systems Webinars

(April-September 2020)

The overall objective of this activity is to assist the Civil Aviation Authority in Zambia to understand the components and elements of a SMS mandatory for Service Providers in aviation. The activity will have a strong focus on how the service providers document and implement a SMS in the organisation. This approach will help the regulator to better understand the certification and oversight processes over service providers. This is part of the support to the Zambian regulator to have a strong SSP in place.


A series of events in the framework of the safety promotion activities, with the aim to foster technical discussion on the SSP and SMS principles, obligations and benefits, will be initiated with the ZCAA.


This activity will be followed by a QMS (Quality Management Systems) and HF (Human Factors) Webinars as an integrated activity 


Due to the relevance of an appropriate implementation of these systems in the service providers, there will be seats available for representatives of the Service Providers in the QMS and HF sessions and a dedicated SMS session.


This represents an ideal opportunity to create a forum where the regulator will have a better view of the processes to be implemented by the industry.


Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Announcement ZCAA                                                                                                                           Announcement Industry ​

Calendar SMS/QMS/HF ZCAA                                                                                                           Calendar SMS/QMS/HF Industry

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