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Gender Equality in Aviation - Conferences

25th March 2021

The videoconferences on Gender Equality in Aviation is organised in several sessions starting from 10th December 2020  and extending to Q1/2021.

After a first session with the Zambian CAA, a second session took place with Industry stakeholders on the 25th March 2021.

Reflections and thougths around these questions were the focus of the videoconference:


Equal opportunities with regard to career development and being present and involved at all levels, including representation, management and decision-making

Employees in diverse and inclusive teams are more committed and work harder. Solution finding. Companies with more women in leadership produce better results
How to…?

Attract more women. Ensure true inclusion of all staff

The participation in an interactive meeting with a Q&A session is welcome.

Link to access the videoconference, the agenda, the initial survey have been sent personally to the registered participants.

Would you wish to register, please contact

The presentation used in the first session is available for download in the link here under.

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