ATO Thematic Meeting
19 December 2018
The Zambian Government has clearly indicated the importance accorded to the development of civil aviation. In particular the training activities which are largely outsourced beyond the borders are to be given priority, re-establishing Zambia in the forefront of African capabilities. Zambia is entering into a phase of intensive activities to further advance this progress; it is imperative that the challenges faced are evident to all the parties engaged in these exciting developments.
This PEL-ATO thematic meeting will address the target group of current and potential ATO providers, advising them on the processes by which they can achieve certification from the Authorities.
The meeting presents an opportunity for all parties engaged in or contemplating Aviation Training related activities to engage with the ZCAA, and to provide clear indicators of where they believe the Authority can evolve in its secondary role as a facilitator to Zambian Civil Aviation progress.
The outcomes of this activity are: a greater, and shared, understanding of the issues faced by Aviation Training Organisations operating under the regulatory environment of the ZCAA.
The key topics covered will be:
The processes involved in the Certification of an ATO.
The role of Safety Management Systems in the Training environment
The presentation, by participants, of the scope of training activities envisaged in their ATO applications.
Where, in the view of the participants, the ZCAA can best serve to facilitate these objectives.
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